Is there a danger that people will think we are celebrating Halloween?
Yes. However, we are clear that we are out to celebrate Jesus as the Light of the world and to point people to him. This comes across in what we do on the evening, the conversations we have and the flyers that we give out, which explain who we are and why we are out on October 31st.
Do you promote your event?
As so many people are out ‘trick or treating’ on Halloween, some churches don’t feel there is a need to do any promotion beyond putting an invitation on their social media. Others also put up posters locally as a reminder.
Wouldn’t it be easier / better to set up a Light beacon outside our church building?
Yes, it probably would be easier and it would provide an obvious link to who you are. Our priority is to go to where the people are, which for us is a recreation ground surrounded by houses, whereas there is not much footfall around our church building on Halloween.
Do we need to get permission from the local council to set up a light beacon outside?
If you are using their land, then yes you do.
How much does it cost?
Our main expenses are food and drink, generator hire, glow bracelets and a children’s craft activity.
Would you share your risk assessment with us?
Sorry, no. It is important that you think this through for yourself.